All DUNES before DUNE (TV and Movies, from Jodorowky’s to Villeneuve’s)

Like the books they are based on, the film adaptations of Frank Herbert’s Dune are an ever-expanding story in themselves. At the very beginning, they were a few mild shots at adapting Dune, which involved names like David Lean (because…

How Stanley Kubrick’s EYES WIDE SHUT Was Written

Frederic Raphael: There’s a lot of talk. You want a lot of talk? Stanley Kubrick: I can’t say what I want. I want to do Arthur’s story (Schnitzler’s “Traumnovelle”), but in New York, now. That’s all I can tell you.…

“How It Should Have Ended”: The Amazing (Super) Power of Parody

Parody is an Excellent Tool for Criticism. In another post, this one in particular, I recommended the “Honest Trailers” as a way to analyse movies: by making fun of plot holes, inconsistencies and poorly scripted scenes, they review a movie… In a…