Darren Aronofsky is a prestigious American film writer and director with a very personal style of filmmaking. His career shows widely different movies, some highly distinguished ones, such as π, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler and Black Swan.
Below, in a post from Fivebooks.com, Aronofsky recommends his favourite 5 Books on Making Movies and discusses a few aspects of filmmaking.
I think it’s a link worth sharing with you.
Darren Aronofsky’s feature films are:
More about Making Movies? Check our posts Film Blocking, What is it?, Best “Making Of” Books: EASY RIDERS, RAGING BULLS, Best “Making Of” Books: BLADE RUNNERS, DEER HUNTERS &… , Best “Making Of” Books: The Making of CITIZEN KANE, Best “Making Of” Books: THE JAWS LOG, First Assistant Directors: Who Are They? and Best Screenwriting Books: ADVENTURES IN THE SCREEN TRADE amongst many others!
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