How TOY STORY 3 Was Written

Michael Arndt on writing Toy Story 3 -

Michael Arndt acquired prestige as a screenwriter with Little Miss Sunshine (2006), a great character-driven comedy that became a success. The future held for Arndt titles like Oblivion (2013), Hunger Games 2 (2013) and The Force Awakens (2015), but this is not about them.

This is about a very successful film he penned for Pixar named Toy Story 3 (2010) and how hard it was to make it work and how much was learnt in the process. At the end of the day, this is what everything is about: learning.

Arndt has created an animation telling the story of the writing of that movie, a highly entertaining piece of work and great stuff to learn a few lessons from.

You will find this great video here (TS3: Mistakes made, lessons learned).


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